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Pendulum Progress Profiles

PenProg 1.0

NameLCDAttributeTera ShotsStatsDPMin WeightMax Hunger/StrengthLife Expectancy
Jarimon[LCD]--31, 63HP-5, AP-2, SP-02054, 41 hour
Gigimon[LCD]--31, 63HP-4., AP-2, SP-22086, 412 hours
Agumon[LCD]Vaccine31, 63HP-9, AP-4, SP-020158, 428 hours
V-mon[LCD]Variable31, 63HP-9, AP-4, SP-020208, 432 hours
Guilmon[LCD]Virus31, 63HP-18, AP-3, SP-120106, 424 hours
Greymon[LCD]Vaccine32, 33, 42, 43HP-27, AP-6, SP-1302510, 676 hours
Tyranomon[LCD]Vaccine32, 33, 42, 43HP-33, AP-4, SP-1252010, 868 hours
XV-mon[LCD]Variable28, 29, 46, 47HP-27, AP-8, SP-1303010, 668 hours
V-Dramon[LCD]Data37, 38, 44, 45HP-36, AP-5, SP-2251510, 660 hours
Growmon[LCD]Virus30, 31, 39, 40HP-36, AP-5, SP-225208, 672 hours
Airdramon[LCD]Virus30, 31, 39, 40HP-18, AP-6, SP-3301510,664 hours
MetalGreymon[LCD]Vaccine50, 51, 59HP-54, AP-8, SP-1403014, 880 hours
MetalTyranomon[LCD]Vaccine50, 51, 59HP-33, AP-8, SP-4302510, 872 hours
Paildramon[LCD]Variable44, 59, 60HP-48, AP-10, SP-2403014, 884 hours
Aero V-Dramon[LCD]Data52, 53, 63HP-39, AP-9, SP-430159, 872 hours
MegaloGrowmon[LCD]Virus54, 55, 65HP-54, AP-8, SP-2352510, 876 hours
Megadramon[LCD]Virus54, 55, 65HP-45, AP-10, SP-2402010, 872 hours
WarGreymon[LCD]Vaccine62, 63HP-66, AP-12, SP-550308, 12120 hours
Chaosdramon[LCD]Data59HP-81, AP-12, SP-4452015, 1096 hours
Imperialdramon[LCD]Variable61, 62HP-69, AP-14, SP-6503010, 12128 hours
Alforce V-Dramon[LCD]Data59HP-69, AP-14, SP-3503016,10120 hours
Dukemon[LCD]Virus66, 67HP-69, AP-14, SP-6552510, 12128 hours
Megidramon[LCD]Virus66, 67HP-72, AP-14, SP-3503514, 1090 hours

PenProg 2.0

NameLCDAttributeTera ShotsStatsDPMin WeightMax Hunger/StrengthLife Expectancy
Puttomon[LCD]--40, 42, 56, 67HP-5, AP-2, SP-02054, 41 hour
Cupimon[LCD]--40, 42, 56, 67HP-4, AP-2, SP-22086, 412 hours
Patamon[LCD]Vaccine40, 42, 56, 67HP-6, AP-4, SP-220158, 428 hours
Terriermon[LCD]Vaccine40, 42, 56, 67HP-9, AP-4, SP-020208, 432 hours
Impmon[LCD]Virus40, 42, 56, 67HP-18, AP-3, SP-120106, 424 hours
Lucemon[LCD]Vaccine40, 42, 56, 67HP-87, AP-20, SP-5501510, 18190 hours
Angemon[LCD]Vaccine43, 46, 59HP-27, AP-6, SP-1302510, 676 hours
Tailmon[LCD]Vaccine43, 46, 59HP-18, AP-4, SP-3252010, 668 hours
Shiisamon[LCD]Vaccine43, 46, 59HP-27, AP-6, SP-1303010, 668 hours
Witchmon[LCD]Data41, 45, 58HP-21, AP-6, SP-3251510, 660 hours
Devimon[LCD]Virus42, 46, 59HP-21, AP-6, SP-325208, 672 hours
BlackTailmon[LCD]Virus42, 46, 59HP-21, AP-6, SP-1301510, 668 hours
HolyAngemon[LCD]Vaccine49, 52. 61HP-45, AP-10, SP-2403014, 880 hours
Angewomon[LCD]Vaccine49, 52, 61HP-51, AP-6, SP-2302510, 872 hours
Antiramon[LCD]Data47, 51, 60HP-42, AP-9, SP-4402014, 884 hours
Bastemon[LCD]Virus48, 52, 61HP-54, AP-8, SP-230209, 872 hours
NeoDevimon[LCD]Virus48, 52, 61HP-45, AP-10, SP-2352510, 876 hours
LadyDevimon[LCD]Virus48, 52, 61HP-39, AP-9, SP-4402010, 872 hours
Seraphimon[LCD]Vaccine55, 58, 63HP-81, AP-12, SP-440308, 12120 hours
Ophanimon[LCD]Vaccine55, 58, 63HP-66, AP-12, SP-5452015, 1096 hours
Cherubimon[LCD]Vaccine55, 58, 63HP-66, AP-12, SP-5503510, 12108 hours
Beelzebumon[LCD]Virus54, 58. 63HP-78, AP-12, SP-4502016, 10110 hours
Lilithmon[LCD]Virus54, 58, 63HP-75, AP-14, SP-3552510, 12128 hours

PenProg 3.0

NameLCDAttributeTera ShotsStatsDPMin WeightMax Hunger/StrengthLife Expectancy
Babumon[LCD]--10, 32, 67HP-5, AP-2, SP-02054, 41 hour
Nyaromon[LCD]--10, 32, 67HP-4, AP-2, SP-22086, 412 hours
Gabumon[LCD]Data10, 32, 67HP-18, AP-3, SP-120158, 428 hours
Bearmon[LCD]Vaccine10, 32, 67HP-9, AP-4, SP-020208, 432 hours
Hawkmon[LCD]--10, 32, 67HP-6, AP-3, SP-220106, 424 hours
Garurumon[LCD]Vaccine27, 39, 67HP-21, AP-6, SP-3301510, 676 hours
Dobermon[LCD]Virus16, 34, 58, 67HP-36, AP-5, SP-2251510, 668 hours
Grizzmon[LCD]Vaccine27, 39, 69HP-27, AP-6, SP-1303010, 668 hours
Leomon X[LCD]Vaccine27, 39, 67HP-42, AP-6, SP-2302010, 670 hours
Aquilamon[LCD]--16, 24, 67HP-18, AP-5, SP-325158, 664 hours
Kiwimon[LCD]Data20, 28, 67HP-15, AP-5, SP-325158, 660 hours
WereGarurumon X[LCD]Vaccine11, 17, 43, 67HP-48, AP-10, SP-2252514, 880 hours
Cerberumon X[LCD]Vaccine11, 17, 43, 67HP-39, AP-10, SP-4402514/876 hours
Mihiramon[LCD]Data13, 23, 39, 67HP-51, AP-8, SP-2352510, 876 hours
GrappLeomon[LCD]Vaccine11, 17, 43, 67HP-54, AP-8, SP-2353014, 878 hours
Garudamon X[LCD]Vaccine11, 17, 43, 67HP-39, AP-10, SP-4352010, 880 hours
Deramon[LCD]Data13, 23, 39, 67HP-42, AP-9, SP-2302010, 872 hours
MetalGarurumon X[LCD]Data24, 27, 41, 67HP-75, AP-16, SP-6503015, 12120 hours
Baihumon[LCD]Data24, 27, 41, 67HP-72, AP-14, SP-3452515, 12110 hours
Qinglongmon[LCD]Data24, 27, 41, 67HP-81, AP-12, SP-4503015, 13100 hours
Zhuqiaomon[LCD]Virus11, 28, 39, 67HP-66, AP-14, SP-5502012, 10105 hours
Xuanwumon[LCD]Vaccine21, 34, 49, 67HP-66, AP-12, SP-5552512, 10135 hours
Omegamon[LCD]Vaccine21, 34, 49, 67HP-96, AP-14, SP-6553516, 15125 hours
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